Indie Game Developer

About Xoole
Hello, I'm Xoole, also known as Vee!
I'm a self taught animator, composer, artist, and editor! I self taught these skills so I can create video games all on my own and not have that much help!

Q & A
What Pronouns Do You Go By?
She/HerWill you do commissions?
Yes! I've been planning to do them in the future!Can I use your characters for games, videos, mods, etc?
Go ahead! I do not care. Only things I go against is using my characters in gore or nsfw,
and credit me when using my oc's!!!. Also, let me know what u use em for, I wanna check it out!I also draw the line with gaining profit. Only thing I allow from it is if someone gets commissioned by someone else to draw them or something. I don't want it to be like fake merch, selling games with my characters in them, stuff like that obviously.If you have other questions you can ask me on Discord, Twitter, or my email!
[email protected]How do I pronounce Xoole?
I give up answering this.Can you help me with a game or FNF mod, put my OC in your mod, or something similar?
Commission me!!!!!!!

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